Event Logo Image

The Big Derby Party

presented by Equipment Share

benefitting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Missouri


May 3, 3 - 6:30 pm

Country Club of Missouri

1300 Woodrail Ave

Columbia, MO 65203

Enjoy signature Derby food and drinks.
Bid on amazing Live Auction items and experience packages.
Surprise yourself with a pick from the Cigar Draw or Wine Wall.
Sip on champagne and take a chance at a piece of fine jewelry.
See if you can “buy” the Derby champion in the Horse Auction to win great prizes!

Individual Ticket: $100
 (open seating)

Sponsorship Guide

Crown Rose Sponsor - $7,500
Exclusive to one organization
Recognition as event Presenting Sponsor in all sponsored media & printed materials
Single display of company name and logo on event invitation & signage, all event digital media, event website, and on slide projector during event
Company CEO presentation at event
Two tables (16 Tickets) at the event
Full page recognition in event program
Recognition in post-event Thank You announcement and Annual report

Winner’s Circle Sponsor - $3,000
Recognition in all sponsored media & printed materials
Prominent display of company name and logo on event signage, all event digital media,
event website, and on slide projector during event
One table (8 Tickets) at the event
Half-page recognition in event program
Recognition in post-event Thank You announcement and Annual report

Starting Gate Sponsor - $1,500
Recognition in select sponsored media and printed materials
Display of company name on event signage, all event digital media,
event website, and on slide projector during event
4 Tickets to the event (reserved high-top table)
Quarter-page recognition in event program
Recognition in post-event Thank You announcement and Annual Report

Helping Hand Sponsor - $300
2 Tickets to the event (open seating)
Name on event signage, event website, and on slide projector during event
Recognition in event program
Recognition in post-event Thank You announcement and Annual Report

Event Image